Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Happy nostalgia

I'm looking back to my holidays today and I'm into a happy+nostalgic mood.
Yes, it's possible. 
Human feelings are so complex that happiness and nostalgia can walk together.

I'm looking to all the photos I took during our holiday at mum's home in the north and I feel so grateful for those happy days together with my friends and family! 
My batteries plenty recharged. I did all the things I love best (not only drawing and embroidery, of course!) and reconnected with the real me.

We explored the country by bycicle several times and enjoyed nature and ancient monuments.

We stayed in the garden, a lot. 
Picked up vegetables and fruit and cooked them. Discovered new (to me) species my brother is growning (did you know purple basil?). Fed the turtles everyday.

I've read a couple of novels and learned something new about nature thanks to my brother's books about trees and plants. I love to have good books near the bed!

We made some works for mum with dad's tools and found them very beautiful in the backlight.

And at the end of our days there two special ones got married :)

You can say we did nothing special this summer.
Yes, we haven't explored the world and hadn't great adventures to tell you.
But we enjoyed all that little things that speak special words to our hearts. This is important to me :)

Other photos on flickr!

1 comment:

  1. Capisco bene la sensazione :) È bello trovare la felicità nelle piccole cose e ricordarle con una nostalgia positiva ;)


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