Thursday, 15 August 2013

New bag design by me

You know, I like to feel like I'm a professional designer and not only a simple crafter sometimes!
I like to invent new models for my bags, starting from a sketch, drawing and cutting a paper pattern, sewing a prototype, adjusting what is wrong and then sewing my new bags like a crazy girl.
I enjoy every single step of the process.
Sewing from your own patterns is amazing, although I really like to use patterns I buy from real designers, too (you've probably noticed that my favourite are by Ithinksew).
Recently I decided to design a new big bag. I wanted to made something strong and practical in everyday life and at school/university. Big enough to carry books, water bottles and a sandwich or two :)
This means that I made some steps out of my comfort zone, because I have some difficulties in working on big dimensions (I like to work on small things).
And I made those steps very happily. We all need to go out of our comfort zone and enjoy how this brings us joy and new skills!
So I designed a new big bag and realized it in two exemplars (strong Ikea fabrics are the best for this kind of bags):

They are closed by a zipper, have two strong shoulder handles, a small inner pocket, darts on the bottom to make space and "my" new pocket on the front of the bag.
Family and friends (etsy friends, too) like them very much. So I'm going to sew other bags like these soon.
Of course I've uploaded them in my shop, but now it is temporarily closed (vacation mode) because I'm at my parents' home, because dad is ill and needs help. I'll edit this post (with the lings to the bags) when re-opened.


  1. Wow! Awesome bag! Super cute design! Love the outside little pocket!
    Happy August!
    Baci from Portugal!

    Ana Love Craft

  2. Your new designs are beautiful. And I love the fabrics you have used. Especially the flowers!!!

  3. Belle borse! Adoro queste stoffe ed è sempre un dispiacere quando vanno fuori produzione... fortuna che fino ad ora ci sono sempre stati degni sostituti ;)
    Auguri di pronta guarigione al tuo papà!


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